IT law

Unser Tätigkeitsfeld im Bereich IT-Recht umfasst:

  • Classic IT contract law
  • Internet/platform, telecommunications and e-commerce-related contract types and business models
  • Cross-connections to areas of law that are inextricably linked to IT, telecommunications or telemedia as a service or medium and that determine the effectiveness or permissibility of contractual provisions and business practices (e.g. copyright and design law, competition law)
  • Compliance, security, data protection
  • IT-relevant international references

All sectors of the economy are supported or underpinned by IT services, e.g. by means of individual software, networks, websites, etc.
I advise and support both company founders and existing companies in the legal review of their technical requirements. The above-mentioned areas of activity come into their own here.

In addition to legal understanding, I also have the technical expertise to ensure the essential transfer of technology law. This enables me to act as a so-called interface for your company and facilitate a smooth consulting process - especially in terms of cost/benefit for the client.

Häufig treffe ich im IT-Recht auf folgende Fragen:

  • What should I look out for in license agreements for new/used software?
  • What do I do if my software is used illegally/"stolen"?
  • What regulations do I need for the use, maintenance and installation of software?
  • What do I need to be aware of if I want to use open source software?
  • When is my fee for my contractual service due or when do I have to pay it?
  • Who is responsible in the event of a server failure and who will compensate me for the damage?
  • Do I meet the requirements of the Data Protection Act?

Ich analysiere die Situation und bespreche die Möglichkeiten, setze diese für Sie durch oder verteidige sie gegen Ansprüche Dritter. Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für Ihr Unternehmen entsprechen dabei meinem Verständnis von einer soliden und vertrauensvollen Zusammenarbeit.

Bei größeren Projektausschreibungen legen wir auf Anfrage gerne ein ausführliches Angebot vor.