Business mediation

Mediation procedures lead to a future-oriented and therefore long-term resolution of conflicts. There are many points in favor of mediation, especially in commercial matters:

  • Consideration of interests that would go unnoticed in civil proceedings
  • Significant reduction in procedural costs and follow-up conflict costs
  • Possibility of an unbureaucratic and flexible procedure
  • Conservation of personnel and operational resources
  • no publicity

Further information on the subject of mediation, in particular the course of a mediation procedure, can be found at

With our business mediation services, you benefit in particular from the fact that we specialize in all areas of law that are closely related to the business world. In business mediation, we use our specialist knowledge of IT law and intellectual property law, in particular competition law, trademark law, press law, copyright law, patent and utility model law, data protection law and internet law. Specialist knowledge of automotive law is also incorporated. Thanks to my experience as a compliance officer (TÃœV), I am also familiar with corporate backgrounds and can take these into account during mediation.

As Trained mediator (DAA) you can count on expert and trustworthy business mediation, in which you can resolve your business conflicts definitively and on an equal footing. We can conduct the mediation on your premises as well as in our office in Berlin on neutral ground. Contact us by phone or email - we will be happy to be your partner in reaching a peaceful and out-of-court settlement to your dispute.  

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