Industrial property rights

The field of activity in the area of intellectual property includes:

  • Trademark law
  • Trademark law
  • Domain law and naming rights
  • Design law (design right)
  • Utility model law and patent law
  • Competition law
  • Antitrust law

I advise and represent in all areas in individual cases or the entire company on a permanent basis and can draw on extensive experience in the areas mentioned.

Hier ein kurzer Auszug diverser Tätigkeiten:

  • Registration of national and international trademarks as well as their monitoring, maintenance and renewal.
  • Screening of existing license agreements and drafting of new license agreements, especially in the areas of TV, design, photography and trademarks.
  • Representation and enforcement against cybersquatting/domain grabbing. There is often a connection with trademark infringements and competition law infringements on the Internet.
  • Warning letters, cease-and-desist declarations, preliminary injunctions and legal proceedings or protective letters.
  • The complete support of online stores, general terms and conditions, imprint and the entire website.
  • Review of upcoming marketing strategies.
  • Ãœberprüfung und Beratung bei speziellen Werbemaßnahmen, z. B. Flyer o.ä. in Bezug auf Wettbewerbsrecht.
  • Review of planned marketing strategies.