Lawyer, project lawyer, legal interim,

Dr. Florestan Goedings:

"Ich begleite Ihr Unternehmen.
Generalistisch &

Non-binding introductory meeting*:

Or via contact form.

DER Projektjurist:
Dr. Florestan Goedings, LL.M. ist Rechtsanwalt und Mediator. Fachanwalt für Informationstechnologierecht sowie Fachanwalt für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz.

Project lawyer, attorney, legal interim:

Dr. Florestan Goedings:

"I accompany your company.
Generalist &

Non-binding introductory meeting*:

Or via contact form

THE project lawyer:
Dr. Florestan Goedings, LL.M. is a lawyer and mediator. Specialist lawyer for information technology law and specialist lawyer for intellectual property law.

The introductory meeting:

  • At the center: Your initial situation, the objectives
  • We will check whether I am the ideal project lawyer for your task.
  • Possibly: Next steps towards a concrete collaboration
  • (Certainly not: a "high pressure" sales pitch)

The agenda for the introductory meeting?

  • Your initial situation, objectives ...
  • We will check whether I am the ideal project lawyer for your task.
  • Possibly: Next steps towards a concrete collaboration

"Guten Tag,
ich bin Florestan Goedings!"

As a project lawyer, I can actually make an important contribution to measurable corporate success

Keine reine Dienstleistung, sondern auch Wertschöpfung und Wertschätzung bei gleichzeitiger Freiheit eines selbstständigen Rechtsanwalts.
Schön, dass Sie mich gefunden haben!

Zur Origin Story von Dr. Florestan Goedings

"Guten Tag,
ich bin Florestan Goedings!"

As a project lawyer, I can actually make an important contribution to measurable corporate success

Keine reine Dienstleistung, sondern auch Wertschöpfung und Wertschätzung bei gleichzeitiger Freiheit eines selbstständigen Rechtsanwalts.
Schön, dass Sie mich gefunden haben!

Zur Origin Story von Dr. Florestan Goedings

"Bin ich der ideale Projektjurist für Ihre aktuelle Vorhaben?"

(Anonymized, yet very concrete case studies from my everyday legal life ...)

A legal generalist with a broad spectrum,

How many specialist areas does project lawyer Florestan Goedings cover?

"Ein internationales Unternehmen.
Weltweit mehr als 6.000 Mitarbeiter an 20 Standorten.
Die Rechtsabteilung besteht aus dem General Counsel, Florestan Goedings und dem Sekretariat. Täglich kommt eine Flut von Fällen auf uns zu, die es just-in-time abzuarbeiten gilt. Rechtsfragen zum Fuhrpark, Insolvenzen von Geschäftspartnern, rechtliche Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Betriebsrat, dem Aufsichtsrat. Sonstige Corporate Governance, das Kerngeschäft (Verträge aller Art von Einkauf und Verkauf), Unterstützung von HR bei arbeitsrechtlichen Fragen, Aufbau eines Compliance-Systems, Training von Mitarbeitern zu speziellen rechtlichen Fragen – z. B. zu Rechten und Pflichten des Lieferkettengesetzes, Arbeitnehmerüberlassung vs. Werkvertrag, etc.).
Immer wieder mal AGB-Prüfungen, Lizenzvereinbarungen."

A legal generalist with a broad spectrum,

How many specialist areas does project lawyer Florestan Goedings cover?

Ein internationales Unternehmen.
Weltweit mehr als 6.000 Mitarbeitern an 20 Standorten.
Die Rechtsabteilung besteht aus dem General Counsel, Florestan Goedings und dem Sekretariat. Täglich kommt eine Flut von Fällen auf uns zu, die es just-in-time abzuarbeiten gilt.
Rechtsfragen zum Fuhrpark, Insolvenzen von Geschäftspartnern, rechtliche Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Betriebsrat, dem Aufsichtsrat.
Sonstige Corporate Governance, das Kerngeschäft (Verträge aller Art von Einkauf und Verkauf), Unterstützung HR bei arbeitsrechtlichen Fragen, Aufbau eines Compliance-Systems, Training von Mitarbeitern zu speziellen rechtlichen Fragen – z. B. zu Rechten und Pflichten des Lieferkettengesetzes, Arbeitnehmerüberlassung vs. Werkvertrag, etc.), immer wieder mal AGB-Prüfungen, Lizenzvereinbarungen.

... with years of industry know-how in the automotive sector,

Umfangreiche Erfahrung in der Automobilindustrie.

"Negotiation of very extensive general terms and conditions for an American car manufacturer. Months of tug-of-war in order to have to accept as few of the now very strict clauses for suppliers as possible. In addition to the "classics" such as extensive warranty periods, liability and indemnification issues and efforts to limit these, IP rights also play a major role. The proper definition of background and foreground IP and the associated clear usage regulations are of enormous importance in order not to gamble away your own know-how / IP. Another constant stumbling block is the supplementary contractual provisions that the business partner is allowed to search for on the Internet and which should be applicable in their current version. The various termination modalities that OEMs like to grant themselves, in particular convenience termination, and their legal consequences, also complicate negotiations. 

The pressure is growing as the start of production is within reach and negotiations are tough. Increasingly, commercial decisions are being made that are painful but justify the risk in view of the expected business.

As a project lawyer, I am once again a "business enabler" and not a "business blocker"."

... with years of industry know-how in the automotive sector,

Umfangreiche Erfahrung in der Automobilindustrie.

"Negotiation of very extensive general terms and conditions for an American car manufacturer. Months of tug-of-war in order to have to accept as few of the now typical stringent clauses for suppliers as possible. In addition to the "classics" such as extensive warranty periods and liability and indemnification issues and the efforts to limit these, IP rights also play a major role. The proper definition of background and foreground IP and the associated clear usage regulations are of enormous importance in order not to gamble away your own know-how and IP. Another constant stumbling block is the supplementary contractual provisions that the business partner is allowed to search for on the Internet and that should be applicable in their current version. The various termination modalities that OEMs like to grant themselves, in particular convenience termination, and their legal consequences, also complicate negotiations. 

The pressure is growing as the business is to be launched, but the negotiations are tough. Increasingly, commercial decisions have to be made that are painful but justify the risk from the management's point of view in view of the expected business.

As a project lawyer, I am once again a "business enabler" and not a "business blocker"."

... and a clear focus on IT law, in all its facets.

IT law - case study.

"Client owns perpetual licenses for a special business software and an associated maintenance contract. The company selling the software goes bankrupt. A new company continues the software business without being the legal successor and only offers the software in question as a subscription model. Initially, they try unsuccessfully to force my client into the subscription model. When this did not work, it was quickly announced that in future maintenance contracts would only be offered if the software was purchased via the subscription model.

Time is pressing. It's the end of the year and the maintenance contract expires on December 31. It will not be extended for the time being.

Maintenance is essential to reduce the risk of production downtime.

The damage caused by unnecessarily switching to the subscription model amounts to several 100k / year, whereby switching to another provider would take at least a year due to validation and conversion.

Client reluctantly accepts. I advise retrospectively to file a lawsuit, as at least the notice period for the change of the maintenance contract modalities is too short and my client had no chance to look for alternatives."

... and a clear focus on IT law, in all its facets.

IT law - case study.

"Client acquires perpetual licenses for software and also concludes maintenance contract. Company goes bankrupt. New company comes in and continues the software business without being the legal successor. This company now only offers the software as a subscription model. Initially, this company tries unsuccessfully to force my client into a subscription model. When this did not work, it was quickly promised that in future maintenance contracts for the software would only be offered if the software was purchased via the subscription model.

Time is pressing. It is the end of the year and the maintenance contract expires on December 31 and will not be extended for the time being.

Maintenance is essential to eliminate the risk of production downtime.

The damage caused by unnecessarily switching to the subscription model amounts to several 100k / year, whereby switching to another provider would take at least a year due to validation and conversion.

Client reluctantly accepts. I advise retrospectively to file a lawsuit, as at least the notice period for the change of the maintenance contract modalities is too short and my client had no chance to look for alternatives."

With the ability to familiarize yourself with the most complex business areas at short notice,

Als COMMERCIAL LAWYER für ein international ausgerichtetes Industrieunternehmen.

"Ein Jahr lang habe ich ein international ausgerichtetes Ingenieurunternehmen mit Hauptsitz in England, welches auf den Märkten für Fluid- und Bewegungssteuerung tätig ist, rechtlich beraten. Da dort unerwartet der Head of Legal Deutschland ausgefallen war, hatte ich die Aufgabe, sämtlichen deutschen Niederlassungen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite zu stehen.

Gegenstand meiner Tätigkeit als Commercial Lawyer war die Konzipierung und Verhandlung komplexer Verträge und sonstiger Beratung zu alltäglich anfallenden Rechtsfragen.
Zu den Highlights gehörten insbesondere spannende Verhandlungen mit OEMs, die Post-Merger-Integration eines neu erworbenen (Tochter-) Unternehmens und die Abwehr von Ansprüchen Dritter.

Eine "millionenschwere Klage" durfte ich auch über das Ende der eigentlichen Projektarbeit hinaus erfolgreich zu Ende führen."

With the ability to familiarize yourself with the most complex business areas at short notice,

As a commercial lawyer for an internationally oriented industrial company.

"Ein Jahr lang habe ich ein international ausgerichtetes Ingenieurunternehmen mit Hauptsitz in England, welches auf den Märkten für Fluid- und Bewegungssteuerung tätig ist, rechtlich beraten. Da dort unerwartet der Head of Legal Deutschland ausgefallen war, hatte ich die Aufgabe, sämtlichen  deutschen Niederlassungen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite zu stehen. Gegenstand meiner Tätigkeit als Commercial Lawyer war die Konzipierung und Verhandlung komplexer Verträge und sonstiger  Beratung zu alltäglich anfallenden Rechtsfragen. Zu den Highlights gehörten insbesondere spannende Verhandlungen mit OEMs, die Post-Merger-Integration eines neu erworbenen (Tochter-) Unternehmens und die Abwehr von Ansprüchen Dritter. Eine "millionenschwere Klage" durfte ich auch über das Ende der eigentlichen Projektarbeit hinaus erfolgreich zu Ende führen."

... and strong intercultural skills(team player).

The ability to familiarize yourself with complex issues at short notice.

"Weit mehr als ein Jahr habe ich in unterschiedlichen Rechtsabteilungen des weltweit vielleicht größten Automobilzulieferers die Themen Electrical Vehicle Charging sowie Einkauf-IT und Einkauf-Fertigungsmittel betreut. Wie bei jedem anderen Projekt war es auch hier herausfordernd, sich in kürzester Zeit in einer neuen Unternehmenskultur, den Gepflogenheiten und Umgang miteinander, einzufinden und auch Themen zu bearbeiten, die zuvor für andere Unternehmen nur sporadisch beraten wurden.

Neben den klassischen Wirtschaftsthemen – wie Prüfung und Verhandlung von diversen einschlägigen Verträgen B2C und vor allem B2B – konnte ich vor allem meine IT-Rechts-Kenntnisse deutlich ausbauen und zu zahlreichen IT-Verträgen (bspw. SaaS, SLAs, WaS, Cloud und sonstigen IT-Verträgen) beraten.

Gerne denke ich an die netten Kollegen, das breite Tätigkeitsfeld und die allseits professionelle Arbeitsweise  zurück."

... and strong intercultural skills(team player).

The ability to familiarize yourself with complex issues at short notice.

"Weit mehr als ein Jahr habe ich in unterschiedlichen Rechtsabteilungen des vielleicht weltweit größten Automobilzulieferers die Themen electrical vehicle charging sowie Einkauf IT und Einkauf Fertigungsmittel betreut.

Wie bei jedem anderen Projekt war es auch hier herausfordernd, sich in kürzester Zeit in einer neuen Unternehmenskultur, den Gepflogenheiten und Umgang miteinander einzufinden und auch Themen zu bearbeiten, die zuvor für andere Unternehmen nur sporadisch beraten wurden.

Neben den klassischen Wirtschaftsthemen, wie Prüfung und Verhandlung von diversen einschlägigen Verträgen B2C und vor allem B2B, konnte ich vor allem meine IT-Rechts-Kenntnisse deutlich ausbauen durch zahlreiche Beratungen zu SaaS, SLAs, WaS, Cloud und sonstigen IT-Verträgen durchführen. Gerne denke ich an die netten Kollegen, das breite Tätigkeitsfeld und die allseits professionelle Arbeitsweise  zurück."

"And YOUR current project?"

Ich freue mich darauf, Sie als Projektjurist zu unterstützen:

  • IP topics,
  • Data protection,
  • eMobility, Automotive,
  • SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, WaS, simply IT
  • eCommerce,
  • Everything to do with commercial and contract law
  • Generalist

"And YOUR current project?"

Ich freue mich darauf, Sie als Projektjurist zu unterstützen:

  • IP topics,
  • Data protection,
  • eMobility, Automotive,
  • SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, WaS, simply IT
  • eCommerce,
  • Everything to do with commercial and contract law
  • Generalist

An (anonymized) client about Florestan Goedings:

“Florestan supported our business through providing cover during a time where we had a gap in our in-house resource as an external legal counsel and provided exceptional service for all our German-speaking sites in Europe. His expertise in advising the business on the applicable German/European laws, proficiency in speaking and writing clearly in both German and English, experience in the commercial vehicle sector and general personable approach were crucial. Florestan’s ability to connect with the wider business on a personal level made him very approachable and greatly enabled him to seamlessly fit into the organisation as if he were a member of the in-house legal team.

His professionalism, reliability, and personable nature make him a valuable asset.
I would highly recommend Florestan’s services.

General Counsel - Global engineering company, with operations in Germany

FAQ – häufig gestellte Fragen zu Projektjurist Florestan Goedings

  • Project lawyer Florestan Goedings



Who is project lawyer Florestan Goedings?

Dr. Florestan Goedings, LL.M. is a lawyer and mediator. Specialist lawyer for information technology law and specialist lawyer for intellectual property law.

Mehr zu Florestan Goedings lesen Sie hier

What are the advantages of working with a project lawyer?

Working with a project lawyer offers several advantages, including

1. expertise:

project lawyers have specialized knowledge in their respective areas of law and can assist companies in dealing with complex legal requirements.

2. flexibility
project lawyers offer their services on an as-needed basis and can be called in at short notice for specific projects or bottlenecks in the legal department.

3. cost efficiency:
By using external project lawyers, companies can save costs as they do not have to create permanent internal positions. Billing is usually on an hourly or daily rate basis.

4. interim management:

Project lawyers can also take on the role of interim managing director or authorized signatory in the event of staff shortages in the legal department.

5. experience and practical knowledge:

Project lawyers often bring extensive experience in their specialist area and can draw on tried and tested solutions.

6. legal support in the event of growth: As the legal workload increases, companies can draw on the additional capacity and expertise of project lawyers.

These advantages make working with a project lawyer an attractive option for many companies.

What special skills does the project lawyer Dr. Florestan Goedings have?

In addition to a generalist approach that he has practiced for many years, Dr. Goedings has in-depth knowledge of IT law, intellectual property law, in particular trademark, data protection and internet law as well as automotive law.

In addition, the project lawyer brings technical expertise to ensure the interface between technology and law. Flexibility, sound professional expertise and experience, as well as the ability to support companies at short notice and in line with their needs, are further important skills.

The most important thing is probably the ability to familiarize oneself very quickly not only with legal issues, but also to become part of a legal team at very short notice.

For which types of projects is cooperation with a project lawyer particularly suitable?

You should work with a project lawyer if your company temporarily needs additional legal resources beyond the normal level.

Typically, this may be the case if:

1. you need to temporarily bridge a staffing shortage in your legal department.
2. the company is growing and the workload in the legal department exceeds personnel capacity
3. additional legal capacity is required for a specific project or a temporary task.

A project lawyer can support you with their expertise and experience as and when you need it, without you having to create a new job or increase your headcount.

This flexible type of cooperation makes it possible to strengthen legal resources where they are needed,
and offers the possibility of short-term and needs-based support.

How do I find the ideal project lawyer?

A good project lawyer is characterized by a combination of legal expertise and project management experience. They should be able to understand complex legal requirements and integrate them into the context of the respective project.
It is also important that they have strong communication and negotiation skills in order to interact effectively with different project stakeholders.

Flexibility, adaptability and the ability to find pragmatic solutions are also important qualities for a good project lawyer.

Contact Dr. Florestan Goedings right here (link to the contact box on the homepage)

Is Florestan Goedings also represented on legal services platforms?

Project lawyer Florestan Goedings can also be engaged via the platforms Vario, EQWAL and Lawyers on Demand (LOD).

What does it cost to work with project lawyer Florestan Goedings? (Fee)

There are various options - project flat rates, hourly rates - which I would be happy to discuss in person.

What lead time should I consider for a project with Florestan Goedings? (Flexibility)

Experience has shown that 2-4 weeks should be expected between initial contact and onboarding, although it has been shown in the past that the lead time is mainly due to the decision-making processes within the company.

How does the collaboration with Florestan Goedings work?

We work together according to your needs and wishes. We often agree on one fixed meeting per week, during which I report on the status of the mandates assigned to me. Some companies also want (explicit) time sheets, while others are happy to spend their time on their matters and only contact me when necessary. In any case, Dr. Goedings handles the tasks assigned to him independently and proactively.

How can attorney-client confidentiality be reconciled with testimonials / references?

Yes, lawyers may publish client testimonials as long as they comply with the relevant professional rules and data protection regulations.

Testimonials can be published in the form of client reviews, references or testimonials to demonstrate the quality of a lawyer's services. However, it is important to ensure that the publication of testimonials complies with ethical and legal requirements. This includes compliance with data protection regulations, the consent of clients to the publication of their testimonials and the avoidance of misleading or unlawful advertising. Lawyers should therefore familiarize themselves with the specific requirements and guidelines of their relevant bar association before publishing testimonials.

What can I do if I am not satisfied with a project lawyer? (Termination?)

If you are not satisfied with my service, please contact me immediately.
In rare cases, misunderstandings may arise during the coordination of projects, which can be resolved very quickly. If you are nevertheless of the opinion that you would be better off with another project lawyer, we will terminate the contract together as quickly as possible.

What is the difference between a project lawyer and a legal interim?

A project lawyer provides legal advice and support for a specific project or case. They work on a project-related basis and offer their services on an hourly/daily basis. A legal interim, on the other hand, can act as an interim managing director or authorized signatory and supports the company in legal matters as required. They offer their services flexibly and at short notice throughout Germany and can help out in the event of staff shortages in the legal department.

Do project lawyers have a duty of confidentiality?

Yes, project lawyers are subject to a duty of confidentiality with regard to confidential information that they receive in the course of their work. The duty of confidentiality is a fundamental part of a lawyer's professional ethics and professional secrecy.

What do I gain as a client from the fact that Dr. Goedings runs his own start-up?

As a client, you have the advantage that Dr. Florestan Goedings, as founder and CEO of the start-up, has in-depth knowledge of entrepreneurship and start-up management. This enables him to develop a deeper understanding of entrepreneurial issues and concerns, which in turn informs his legal advice and support.
With his background as a start-up founder, he can offer practical insights and solutions that are specifically tailored to the needs of start-ups and companies.

To what extent does Dr. Goedings specialize in start-ups and their specific needs?

Yes, Dr. Florestan Goedings specializes in start-ups.

He himself is the founder and CEO of the start-up, which is described as a kind of "Tinder for Business". He also supports and advises start-ups and existing companies in the legal review of their technical requirements and offers tailor-made solutions for their legal needs.

Does Florestan Goedings have experience in the HealthTech sector?

Florestan Goedings comments:

"For a few months, I was able to support the world's leading healthcare company for cardiovascular medical technology as a commercial lawyer.

This involved taking over and continuing ongoing projects and independently negotiating new projects with internal and external stakeholders. Providing legal advice to the company and its (international) subsidiaries, in particular in the area of intellectual property, required dealing with a large number of contract types (various industry-related individual and framework agreements, term sheets, NDAs, license agreements, etc.).

In order to ensure optimal results for the company, in addition to a thorough working method and close cooperation with colleagues, an economic perspective was also decisive for the successful course of my work."

We will answer all further questions in a free initial consultation:

Eine (anonymisierte) Klientin über Florestan Goedings:

“Florestan supported our team through more than one year during the time one of our colleagues was on maternity leave. He connected quickly with the team and the business, and the internal clients were very happy with the legal advice he provided regarding different international matters in contract law with a special focus on Software, IT and other development projects.

He was always reliable, showed a deep understanding of business needs and met the expectations off different functions in our company.  

Therefore, I can highly recommend Florestan’s services.

Head of Inhouse Legal Business Team, Global Player in the Automotive Industry