Company foundation

Business idea

  • Which name fits my idea?
  • Do I need a business plan?
  • Do I stay employed or become self-employed?
  • What personal skills and abilities do I need?

Legal/economic framework conditions

  • How do I protect my idea?
  • What legal form do I need?
  • Do I need a permit?
  • How great is my need for legal certainty?
  • What do I know about accounting and taxes?


  • How much do I need to invest?
  • How do I get money?
  • How do I protect myself (vacation, illness)?
  • What are the benefits of on-board equipment?
  • When do I need refinancing?


  • What is my target group?
  • How do I reach my target group?
  • How do I expand my network?
  • Am I a salesperson (rhetoric/presentation)?


  • How do I communicate?
  • How do I structure work processes?
  • Which collaborations make sense?
  • How do I position myself on the market?
  • Do I need exit strategies?

It is a long and arduous journey from the business idea to a commercially successful business that demands much more than hard work and discipline. But the prospect of success through sustainable planning, realization and execution attracts many.

However, out of around 100 potential business ideas, only 10 make it to implementation and market maturity. Of these 10, around 3 are still in business after the first business year. In most cases, this is because the wrong answers were given to questions.

Business plan and branding, company form, capital (on-board funds, financing, refinancing), business structure and organization, realization and execution, sales and marketing are just a few of the keywords that a company founder will consider in addition to the legal protection of his young company.

I have been advising for years in the area of company formation and am also actively involved in several companies as a (silent) partner, both as a lawyer and in the area of organizational management and supervision, and know all the relevant questions and - even more importantly - the right answers and the right contacts!